
Tuesday, March 2, 2021


    Today at school Aukaha, Te Whetu, Pippin and I were trying to find away to show people how to learn our Karakia. We all decided on doing a song but Aukaha wanted to do a rap so me Pippin and Te Whetu sang the English part and then Aukaha rapped the English part. 

Kua mutu a matou mahi mo tenei wa. Manaakitia mai matou katoa. O matou hoa. O matou whanau aio ki te Aorangi. We have finished our work. Give support to the person who is speaking. We are friends. We are family. Be calm. go to fielding. This Karakia is mainly used for the end of the day or at the end of a hui. Mainly old and young people can use it

Here is the English rap by Aukaha

Here is our song.

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